City of Stockton Watering Regulations Albert Frausto / Friday, June 20, 2014 / Categories: Uncategorized 597 According to Stockton Municipal Code, Charter, and Civil Service Rules: Watering between the hours of 11:00am-6:00pm is prohibited. It is unlawful during the period May 1st to November 1st of each year for any person to use, permit or allow the use of water in any of the following manners: A. Any use of potable water from any fire hydrant is prohibited except by regularly constituted fire protection agencies for fire suppression purposes or by the responsible water agency, when alternate water sources or reclaimed water sources are available. In the absence of alternate water sources or recycled water sources, potable water from any fire hydrant may be used provided a permit for such use is approved by the Fire Department and the responsible water agency. B. For exterior irrigation except as follows: 1. These provisions shall apply to all exterior irrigation including but not limited to public, private and commercial locations. 2. Irrigation shall be prohibited between the hours of 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 3. To conduct exterior irrigation in such a manner or extent that allows water to run off or escape from the premises or to be wasted. 4. Exceptions to the above regulations: a. Drip and/or mist irrigation systems. b. During the initial 21-day period of establishment for new plantings the above regulations shall not apply. c. Other uses which cannot reasonably comply with the above regulations due to the large size, normal hours of use or type of use of the area to be irrigated may be excepted upon approval by the Director of a water conservation plan which meets the goals of reduction and conservation. C. To allow the escape of water through leaks, breaks, or malfunction within the water user’s plumbing or distribution system for any period of time within which such break or leak should reasonably have been discovered and corrected. It shall be presumed that a period of 24 hours after the water user discovers such break, leak, or malfunction, or receives notice from the City, any water provider or enforcement authority of such condition, whichever occurs first, is a reasonable time within which to correct such condition or to make arrangements for correction. D. The use of water for washing cars or boats is permitted only with the use of a quick-acting positive shut-off nozzle on the hose. E. The operation of any non-self-service commercial car wash unless the soap/water solution for such use is reclaimed. If a reclaimed water system cannot be installed, the car wash operator shall submit a plan satisfactory to the Director to modify operation of the facility to reduce its usage of water by at least 20 percent of its usage during the same month of the prior year for comparable business volume. If there is no history of prior use, the operator shall provide to the Director data comparable to such history to establish its base monthly usage. F. Restaurants shall serve water to customers only upon request. G. Use of water for cleaning building or mobile home exteriors shall be prohibited except as follows: 1. With the use of a bucket and sponge; or 2. For the preparation of such exterior surfaces for the purpose of repair or repainting with the use of a pressurized washing device equipped with a quick acting positive shut off. H. Use of water in publicly displayed ornamental fountains in public and commercial establishments shall be prohibited unless the water is recirculated. I. Use of water to wash driveways, sidewalks, patios, parking lots, aprons and other similar exterior surfaces is prohibited except with the use of pressurized sidewalk cleaning equipment or for sanitation, public health and safety and fire protection purposes. J. The draining and/or refilling of all existing swimming pools, whether public, private or commercial, shall be prohibited between June 1st and October 1st except for protection of public health and safety. K. Use of potable water for dust control purposes except for public health or safety purposes. Reclaimed, recycled or other no potable water may be used for such purposes so long as such water is not wasted. L. The indiscriminate running of water or washing with water not otherwise prohibited above which is wasteful and without reasonable purpose. M. Exception. The above regulations shall not apply to users or uses when the source of water is other than: 1. A public water system as defined in California Code of Regulations, Section 64555(a) (23); or 2. A groundwater aquifer used by a public water system. (Prior code § 9-712) Information provided by The City of Stockton - updated 2014. Print Rate this article: No rating Tags City of StocktonDroughtregulationswatering