Living Water Wise Columns

Sharing is caring. Enjoy these columns from local professionals and others.

How To Keep Trees Healthy All Season Long

By Julie Saare-Edmonds, California Department of Water Resources It’s been long, dry year for California. Although we have had touches of rain here and there, the long-term weather forecasts don’t look too promising. Add that to a couple of previous dry years and the results are dry soils all over the state. Trees growing in nature depend exclusively on rain and snow and many of our larger urban forest trees do, too. Because our rain and snow have been far less than average, the moisture...

Fall Water Conservation Tips

Summer is over and fall has arrived! Water Year 2014 ended on September 30th as one of California’s driest ever with no promise this water year will be any wetter.  It is more important than ever to remind everyone that just because we are out of the dry season doesn’t mean the drought is anywhere near over. When (and if) rain comes conserving water may be the last thing that comes to mind. However, water conservation should be a daily, year-round habit for all of us. To help guide us into...

Sacramento Zoo Joins the Effort to Save Water

Our partners and good friends at the Sacramento Zoo have joined the effort to save water right here in our state’s capitol.  The Sacramento Zoo practices innovative water conservation efforts including: using a filtration/recirculation and drip irrigation systems, using brooms to clean animal dens instead of hosing them down with water, providing animals with drinking water through Lixit systems instead of a water bowl, switching to high efficiency irrigation nozzles that use 35 percent less...

California Major League Baseball Teams Join The Effort To Save Water

With the second half of the Major League Baseball season starting off strong in California, the San Francisco Giants, San Diego Padres, Oakland Athletics and Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim have joined forces with Save Our Water to encourage baseball fans to join the water conservation effort during California’s extraordinary drought. The Save Our Water campaign will run for the remainder of the 2014 season with water saving promotional messages on the teams’ English and Spanish radio networks...